Panic in Town
Joyce was excited about the day’s outing to Port of Spain. For several years, in the weeks prior to Christmas, she would leave her home in rural Gran Couva and travel to the nation’s capital. She enjoyed seeing the decorated shops and hoped to get some good bargains. This year was even more special as…

Graveyard Visit
It was a warm Saturday afternoon. Julia was sitting on the steps in front her house wondering what she could do to while away the rest of the daylight hours. She heard loud talking and laughter from children walking on the sidewalk. Soon she saw her school friends Susan, Mathew and Tony coming towards her.…

Mangoes Everywhere
Jason and Jeremy were elated that school was going to be dismissed early due to a water shortage. As soon as the bell rang, they grabbed their bags and raced out the school gate. Leaving school early meant more time to play before they had to head home to tackle the day’s homework. They decided…

The Mysterious Bookcase
It was the middle of the school vacation and my parents decided to rearrange my bedroom so that I would have more space for my desk and bookshelf. I was an avid reader and my bookshelf was constantly overflowing. On Saturday morning, we set of to find a new, bigger bookshelf for my room. Dad…

Was That Santa Claus
It was that time of the year again, Christmas time. Johnny loved Christmas especially when his parents, his sister and himself put up their Christmas tree, laden with ornaments, in the living room. Many of these ornaments he had made himself when he was younger and he was glad that his mom put them up…

The House on the Hill
Sara and her family moved into Vance Falls in early September. It was a small, rural town with one main road. Along this road was the town’s only supermarket, restaurants, shops, banks and other official offices including the police station and post office. Coming from a big city Sara knew that she would be bored…

Forest Adventures
“I can’t believe the day is finally here!” I exclaimed to my mother as I got dressed early one Saturday morning. Today our scout troupe was going on a hike into the forest. I was very excited as I had never been on a hike before. When we arrived by the Nelson Forest, our troupe…

Quinn and the Fairies
Quinn was a precocious puppy. She loved being outdoors, especially in the garden. Vines, leaves, flowers, she loved them all. She loved sitting the grass, especially when it was newly cut. She could sit there and take in the scent for hours. Her little pink nose was constantly wiggling, absorbing all the new scents in…

A Strange Adventure
The heavy rain continued to pound on the galvanize as though there were elephants walking on the roof. As I looked out the window, there were black clouds as far as the eye could see. Today was going to be a very rainy and damp day. A perfect day to stay in my room and…

Story Time – Lost and Found
Lost and Found By Aarti Gosine Stacey really wanted a pet of her own. All her friends in school had puppies and kittens. They were always talking about their pets and how much fun it was to have one. Stacey did not have any siblings and sometimes she was very lonely. She knew she would…